Empowered Women, Powerful Nation

                    Our society comprises men and women. In earlier times, men were considered to be the leading members of a family. They were responsible for earning the livelihood and were the decision takers of the family. On the other hand, women were responsible for doing household work and upbringing of the children. So, the roles were mainly based on gender. There was no involvement of women in decision making. If we assess our entire sector, then research says that women’s issues are either focused on her reproductive role and her body or on her economic role as a worker. But none of them is focused on empowering the women.  
                    There are many women who are incredibly talented and multitaskers but are overlooked by society. Many societies discriminate against women based on their gender. Women are not given by their rights and are underpaid. They are treated inferior to men and are thought to be weaker than men. Women must be given equal opportunities in every field, irrespective of gender. Moreover, they must also be given equal pay. We can empower women by abolishing child marriage. Various programs must be held where they can be taught skills to fend for themselves in case they face financial crisis.
                      Women juggle numerous roles; mother, breadwinner, employee -- struggling to balance family and work, which may be detrimental to their health. Women are titled as a “symbol of sacrifice”. As we know, women play a crucial role in terms of sacrificing their lives and wishes in many situations. There are many reasons for sacrificing but the most important aspects where woman sacrifice is their own wishes, career and freedom.
                      Despite all of their sacrifices, women’s voices are still not well represented in the media. This risks leaving their expertise unheard and their perspectives ignored in the policy response to the crisis. The women who are in a job have to also fulfill the job responsibilities while managing home & family. The life of women is very hard, but she gets little or no appreciation. Women's lives are difficult, but they still receive little to no recognition
                      Women empowerment is one of the most critical and essential things that everyone should support. It is when women are given the most power and right to make decisions for themselves. Women have been subjected to injustice through decades. They have been treated as non-existent for decades. Women were else was always making decisions for them. This is one of the biggest reasons for women’s empowerment. It was one of the essential things which were the need of the hour. Women were made aware of their rights. Along with their rights, women were taught how to be self-independent in all aspects of their lives. They were taught how to create a space for them where they can grow and become the people they want to be.
               When gender inequality is abolished, the true sense of women's empowerment will be realized. We must provide women with equal opportunities, equal pay, and equal respect. Women empowerment is very important for the bright future of country, society and family. Women need a safe and suitable atmosphere in which to make their own decisions in all areas, whether for themselves, their country, family, or society. Women's empowerment is a crucial tool for completely developing a country and achieving the development target.

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