2021 National Women's Month Celebration

                                           The 2021 National Women's Month Celebration is a tribute, a forum, and a call to action that recognizes ordinary Juanas' exceptional contributions to society as trailblazers and change agents. This festival also serves as a forum for discussing and addressing the challenges that women continue to face in order to achieve maximum empowerment. International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th around the world. This day serves as a reminder of women's social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments, as well as a call to action for gender equality.

                     Women's History Month celebrates the women who fought for the rights we have today while also drawing attention to the continuing battle for women's equality. While the intention of this month was originally to draw attention to women's successes and plights around the world, it has since developed into a forum for women to celebrate their achievements and the positive changes that have occurred in modern times. 
However, there is still more work to be done.

                   Women have made important contributions to every discipline and all aspects of life throughout history. Women have had a huge effect on our society, as well as the advancement of literature, photography, music, math, technology, research, and many other fields. Our collective past has been defined by the originality, grace, resilience, creativity, and multiple dimensions of women's lives, and all of this must be written down.

                  Women have long championed equal pay for equal work, affordable child care, the fight against the undervaluing of women who take on unpaid careers such as being a stay-at-home parent or caregiver for aging relatives, and the underreporting of domestic violence and sexual assault for both men and women. However, for all women have done throughout history, one often overlooked minority is that of deaf women.

                    This year's campaign differs from previous ones in that it is set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented both obstacles and opportunities for women. As a result, this year's commemoration emphasizes women's contributions to the fight against the pandemic, as well as gender problems compounded by the pandemic. It's time to look into the gender problems that developed or became more visible during the health crisis, to recognize women who persevered in the face of hardship, and to share knowledge about support structures and government services that resolve women's issues and concerns.

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