My 2nd Quarter Experiences

                            During the Second Quarter, I can say that I've learned a lot despite of the challenges I've encountered. I learned about some good manners in ESP, HTML Tags in Ict, how to solve problems in Math and many more. Second Quarter also taught me that I can do all tasks given if I used my time wisely.
                  One of the problems I encountered is sleeping late because I'm still doing my modules. Also no Internet Connection sometimes is one of my problem. Because sometimes I need to research about some topics I couldn't understand. I also got scolded because I can't do household chores because I'm busy doing my modules. I got sick also due to the stress brought by many tasks.
                   I address these challenges by just thinking positive. I believed in my capabilities. I started to used my time wisely for me to do all tasks and submit them on time. I also gave myself tume to rest so that I will not be stressed. I just enjoy doing modules and I didn't pressured myself.
                    Moving on, I will continue reaching my dreams. I will not give up in life. I will do my best to finished all tasks given and give myself a rest. I believe that I will overcome all of these challenges.

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