Kannawidan Festival 2021

                    Kannawidan Ilocos Festival is one of the famous festivals in Ilocos Sur. Kannawidan is an Ilocano term meaning feast of rich heritage and culture. It marks the 198th foundation of Ilocos Sur, which separated the province from Ilocos Norte by a Royal Decree on February 2, 1818. 
           The festival opened at the Kannawidan Grounds in Barangay Tamag with the ribbon cutting of the Trade and Food Fair, where the one-town-one-product of the province's towns and cities was displayed. The Holy Mass concelebrated in this city at Saint Paul's Cathedral was attended by government staff from national and local offices, elected officials and officials.
               Unlike the previous years where everyone is allowed to go to the celebration, this year's celebration, children under 15 years and senior citizens are not permitted to enter the fair. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the provincial government, through its provincial tourism office, has declared strict guidelines to be followed during the festival. The provincial government strictly mandates usage of face mask and SafePass to enter the Trade and Food Fair in Kannawidan grounds, barangay Tamag. 
               The purpose of this festival is to show people the culture of Ilokanos. And they celebrate the fiesta so that people will not forget about the cultures and for the future generations. And in order to show and share their treasures to the whole word so that locals conceived the festival that highlights cultural traditon.

Photo from:https://www.google.com/search?q=kannawidan+festival+logo&tbm=isch&hl=en&chips=q:kannawidan+festival+logo,online_chips:ilocano&client=ms-android-oppo-rev1&prmd=inv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiP8I6yifXuAhVF15QKHVzMB7IQ4lYoAXoECAEQBg&biw=424&bih=762#imgrc=oFfKaHpdhKSVxM
