Victory battles

             The COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the world with challenges. Almost all countries have to shut down their economies to halt the spread of the virus. Covid-19 are killing more and more people so we have to stay safe everyday.
             The effects of Covid-19 can be felt all around us-daily news blaring with statistics, families worried about going hungry, citizens anxious to go back to normal and a Philippines that is struggling to help its country afloat. To move beyond the current crisis and to safe guard the hopes and dreams of the Filipino people, we must revisit our country's ability to self-sustain by looking internally. We need to revisit our economic value chains, reassess where gaps are, and make strategic investments accordingly.  A well-educated population is critical to our country's future-this is why the quality of and access to education needs to increase. We need to support local, to generate the funds needed for inclusive growth, let us support agriculture and industry by buying Philippine made products. Buying local means we get to keep money circulating within our economy and give back to our local producers, motivating them to scale up and reinvest in technology. Investments would create jobs. More jobs translate to higher average, family incomes and a brighter quality for Filipinos. 
              If there's one quality that marks the Filipino people, it is resiliency. With all that we've been through, do we have to give up? We've been colonized, had to rebuild our cities, suffered under terrorism and many more but we get through it. We must exemplify the "bayanihan" spirit and unite as one people. This pandemic is indeed a battle of every human. We can get through this. We will win this battle and solidarity of everyone is needed.




  1. I agree that unity is the best foundation in times of crisis like this. I appreciated how you presented the outcome of this pandemic. I also believe that resiliency is a remark of a Filipino. The content of your blog is nice! Job well done!

  2. I love how positive you are, yes! we need unity to surpass a crisis like this. I'm amazed by how you presented your opinion and what must we do in order for our country to be better, I appreciate that. We will hope for the betterment of our country sooner. Great Job!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree on everything you said to make this country more resilient. I admire you because you have a positive mindset. Let's pray for the betterment of our country. As long as we have God, we have hope. That's all, keep safe

  5. Thiss blog containss a lot of information about the Covid-19 pandemic, I agree that we should not break down or fall apart, because us filipinos are known for our resiliency and to rise back up from a certain calamity or problems

  6. Your blog was so informative. It was full of positivity. I'm impressed! Nice job. Stay safe and God bless.

  7. Good day Princess! You are right that we Filipinos are known for being resilient. This pandemic made us realize that believing and having hope to God is important. Because he'll be the one that will heal us and the world from the crisis that we are facing. All the best, Princess!

  8. Despite of this pandemic or any challenges happened in out Motherland, we, Filipinos are the ones who's helping each other. Our unity and resiliency bind us together to overcome this challenges. Kudos, Princess!

  9. Hello Princess! I agree in what you've said in this blog post of yours. One of the things I really love about being a Filipino is that in times of calamities or crisis, with our faith, we always manage to smile and rise above those challenges. I believe that unity is a strength and that together we can do much for our country. I hope that we remain positive as we face all the challenges that we are all facing right now. Laban, Juan!

  10. Resiliency is part of our nature as Filipinos. We always embrace obstacles and fight them with all our best. I love your composition, for being very informative. Let's build a stronger community, for a more resilient economy. Good job, Princess!

  11. We are Filipinos and we are tough! We can overcome this challenges. Your composition spreads hope, encouragement and positivity to the readers, I love it !

  12. When we unite, we will surely win over the battles we are facing. Nice work and God bless!

  13. We, Filipino are known for being a resilient. And we can overcome all problems if we unite us one and fight us one. God bless.

  14. I agree that unity and the bayanihan spirit is what we really need at this time. I hope that we can truly win this battle.


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